Saturday, October 2, 2010

10 ways you know you're REALLY pregnant

10. You pee, oh, 40 times a day.
9. 12 hours of sleep is not a luxury, it's a necessity.
8. You've adopted the "kangaroo pose" with your hands perched on your belly.
7. You have absolutely no doubts that ice cream is a perfectly acceptable source of calcium.
6. Your husband tells you you're the cutest pregnant woman ever to which you promptly respond to by bursting into tears.
5. You laugh at other people when they tell you they're pregnant.
4. Your doctor tells you that +1 pitting edema in your ankles is really "pretty good for this point in pregnancy"
3. You start to think about ways to punish your unborn child for making you so miserable (don't pretend you didn't fantasize once about popping that little sucker on the bottom!)
2. You try desprately to pick things up with your toes so you don't have to bend over.
1. You dream about giving birth to things like tube socks.

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