Today my husband, my brother, my brother-in-law, father-in-law, and 3 close friends all built a retaining wall underneath our investment house... why you may ask? Because the dirt underneath it was collapsing, and soon the house would have too without this wall! We were really surprised at how quickly it went with all the helping hands! It looks like tomorrow Mark and Dave may help us put up the backsplash in our kitchen too! Hip, hip hooray! It's been almost a year since we remodeled the kitchen and that is the last thing to be finished! I think I may do a little dance when it's done!
It's been so nice out, we've been taking little man out for walks
Daddy is NOT his favorite person at this moment...
In other news... my application still has not been approved to schedule my board exam... so I wait. And study. Ugh. I want it over.