Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A little bit about where I'm at now...

My current clinical is in Greenville, NC (about 2 1/2 hours away from where we live) and I am doing inpatient rehab which means that I work with patients in the hospital who are medically stable but need to work on building up their strength before they can go home. Most of my patients are neurological patients, meaning they have some sort of brain or spinal cord injury. I also work with patients who may just have a lot of medical problems and need a lot of assistance, such as people with multiple injuries from a car accident. So we do fairly basic things like practicing walking, climbing stairs, working on balance, and sometimes learning to use and maneuver a wheelchair. So far it is going really well but I've had some rough days... there is so much to learn about being safe and not hurting your patients while trying to challenge them to do something that is difficult too. On Monday I had my first patient fall; that is never a good feeling. Everyone assures me that I did everything I could have, but that it just sometimes happens... but it is still hard not to feel responsible or like I should have done something different somehow. Despite that incident, I love the hospital and the facility in which I get to work.. there is so much equipment to work with, and the people are really friendly and wonderful to work with. If this hospital was in Greensboro I would be applying there for sure!
Outside of clinical life is going well too. We got our tickets to go up to Alaska for Rachel and Jordan's wedding today... I am glad we will get to be there for this special event! Lucas and I are handling the distance well, I think better this time since being together for 2 weeks in Italy and my being able to come home on the weekends helps a lot too. Otherwise, I'm keeping busy trying to exercise daily and I'm currently reading a book called "Love life for every Married Couple" by a chrisitian doctor about how God has designed every marriage to be a love affair... So far I don't think some of the priniciples really apply to us (it's geared towards couples who are struggling) but it still has some really good points and lessons to be applied to our marriage. That's all I've got for now...

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